Photosynthetic Light Harvesting
Our group works to understand and control biological photosynthesis through site-specific mutagenesis in photosynthetic proteins. On the one hand, this work targets a quantitative understanding of native photosystem function at the molecular level, especially the optical properties and functional role of the many chlorophyll ligands bound by each photosynthetic protein. On the other hand, understanding native function opens the door to mutation-based optimization. Although native photosynthetic proteins are extremely effective at their native function—providing energy for the growth and survival of the organism—they are remarkably inefficient at the large-scale energy conversion needed for biofuel production. Our research aims to bridge this gap via targeted mutagenesis in wild-type proteins.
To acheive these goals, targeted mutation studies are complemented by high-resolution spectroscopy and mixed quantum/classical simulation and theory. Follow the links to learn more about these research areas or scroll down for publications related to photosynthesis.
Selected Publications
- Reppert, Mike; Dutta, Rajesh; Slipchenko, Lyudmila; "The interplay of excitonic delocalization and vibrational localization in optical lineshapes: A variational polaron approach". The Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, 154109 (2024).
- Lin, Chientzu; Mazor, Yuval; Reppert, Mike; "Feeling the Strain: Quantifying Ligand Deformation in Photosynthesis". The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128, 2266-2280 (2024).
- Ahad, S.; Lin, C.; Reppert, M.; "PigmentHunter: A point-and-click application for automated chlorophyll-protein simulations". The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 154111 (2024).
- Grechishnikova, Galina; Wat, Jacob H.; de Cordoba, Nicolas; Miyake, Ethan; Phadkule, Amala; Srivastava, Amit; Savikhin, Sergei; Slipchenko, Lyudmila; Huang, Libai; Reppert, Mike; "Controlling Vibronic Coupling in Chlorophyll Proteins: The Effects of Excitonic Delocalization and Vibrational Localization". The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 9456-9465 (2024).
- Ennist, Nathan M.; Wang, Shunzhi; Kennedy, Madison A.; Curti, Mariano; Sutherland, George A.; Vasilev, Cvetelin; Redler, Rachel L.; Maffeis, Valentin; Shareef, Saeed; Sica, Anthony V.; Hua, Ash Sueh; Deshmukh, Arundhati P.; Moyer, Adam P.; Hicks, Derrick R.; Swartz, Avi Z.; Cacho, Ralph A.; Novy, Nathan; Bera, Asim K.; Kang, Alex; Sankaran, Banumathi; Johnson, Matthew P.; Phadkule, Amala; Reppert, Mike; Ekiert, Damian; Bhabha, Gira; Stewart, Lance; Caram, Justin R.; Stoddard, Barry L.; Romero, Elisabet; Hunter, C. Neil; Baker, David; "De novo design of proteins housing excitonically coupled chlorophyll special pairs". Nature Chemical Biology, (2024).
- Reppert, Mike; "Bioexcitons by Design: How Do We Get There?". The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127, 1872-1879 (2023).
- Dobson, Zachary; Ahad, Safa; Vanlandingham, Jackson; Toporik, Hila; Vaughn, Natalie; Vaughn, Michael; Williams, Dewight; Reppert, Michael; Fromme, Petra; Mazor, Yuval; "The structure of photosystem I from a high-light-tolerant cyanobacteria". eLife, 10, e67518 (2021).
- Reppert, Mike; Kell, Adam; Pruitt, Thomas; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Comments on the optical lineshape function: Application to transient hole-burned spectra of bacterial reaction centers". J. Chem. Phys., 142, 094111 (2015).
- Vrandecic, Kamarniso; Ratsep, Margus; Wilk, Laura; Rusevich, Leonid; Golub, Maksym; Reppert, Mike; Irrgang, Klaus-Dieter; Kuhlbrandt, Werner; Pieper, Jorg; "Protein Dynamics Tunes Excited State Positions in Light-Harvesting Complex II". J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 3920-3930 (2015).
- Lin, Chen; Reppert, Mike; Feng, Ximao; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Modeling of fluorescence line-narrowed spectra in weakly coupled dimers in the presence of excitation energy transfer". J. Chem. Phys., 141, 035101 (2014).
- Kell, Adam; Feng, Ximao; Reppert, Mike; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "On the Shape of the Phonon Spectral Density in Photosynthetic Complexes". J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 7317-7323 (2013).
- Acharya, Khem; Zazubovich, Valter; Reppert, Mike; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Primary Electron Donor(s) in Isolated Reaction Center of Photosystem II from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii". J. Phys. Chem. B, 116, 4860-4870 (2012).
- Neupane, Bhanu; Jaschke, Paul; Saer, Rafael; Beatty, J. Thomas; Reppert, Mike; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Electron Transfer in Rhodobacter sphaeroides Reaction Centers Containing Zn-Bacteriochlorophylls: A Hole-Burning Study". J. Phys. Chem. B, 116, 3457-3466 (2012).
- Jankowiak, Ryszard; Reppert, Mike; Zazubovich, Valter; Pieper, Jorg; Reinot, Tonu; "Site Selective and Single Complex Laser-Based Spectroscopies: A Window on Excited State Electronic Structure, Excitation Energy Transfer, and Electron-Phonon Coupling of Selected Photosynthetic Complexes". Chem. Rev., 111, 4546-4598 (2011).
- Reppert, Mike; "Modeling of Resonant Hole-Burning Spectra in Excitonically Coupled Systems: The Effects of Energy-Transfer Broadening". J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2, 2716-2721 (2011).
- Reppert, Mike; Acharya, Khem; Neupane, Bhanu; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Lowest Electronic States of the CP47 Antenna Protein Complex of Photosystem II: Simulation of Optical Spectra and Revised Structural Assignments". J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 11884-11898 (2010).
- Reppert, Mike; Naibo, Virginia; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Accurate modeling of fluorescence line narrowing difference spectra: Direct measurement of the single-site fluorescence spectrum". J. Chem. Phys., 133, 014506 (2010).
- Acharya, K.; Neupane, B.; Reppert, M.; Feng, X.; Jankowiak, R.; "On the Unusual Temperature-Dependent Emission of the CP47 Antenna Protein Complex of Photosystem II". J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, 2310-2315 (2010).
- Neupane, Bhanu; Dang, Nhan C.; Acharya, Khem; Reppert, Mike; Zazubovich, Valter; Picorel, Rafael; Seibert, Michael; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Insight into the Electronic Structure of the CP47 Antenna Protein Complex of Photosystem II: Hole Burning and Fluorescence Study". J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 4214-4229 (2010).
- Reppert, Mike; Naibo, Virginia; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Modeling study of non-line-narrowed hole-burned spectra in weakly coupled dimers and multi-chromophoric molecular assemblies". Chem. Phys., 367, 27-35 (2010).
- Reppert, Mike; Naibo, Virginia; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Analytical formulas for low-fluence non-line-narrowed hole-burned spectra in an excitonically coupled dimer". J. Chem. Phys., 131, 234104 (2009).
- Reppert, Mike; Zazubovich, Valter; Dang, Nhan C.; Seibert, Michael; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "Low-Energy Chlorophyll States in the CP43 Antenna Protein Complex: Simulation of Various Optical Spectra. II". J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 9934-9947 (2008).
- Dang, Nhan C.; Zazubovich, Valter; Reppert, Mike; Neupane, Bhanu; Picorel, Rafael; Seibert, Michael; Jankowiak, Ryszard; "The CP43 Proximal Antenna Complex of Higher Plant Photosystem II Revisited: Modeling and Hole Burning Study. I". J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 9921-9933 (2008).